Many people want to hush up that fact that together with Euromaidan actions on the European Square in Kiev there were AntiMaidan actions against Ukraine’s entry into European Union, people there were standing to support president Yanukovich. Its number were not less than EuroMaidan’s one, but it wa a peaceful action, where were gathering ordinary people, not right radicals, like on the European Square. And maybe that’s why worlds mass media’s attention was focused only on the radical sentiments of Euromaidan’s activists. (Maybe because of more terrible scenes there). So, let’s not forget this very important fact. People of AntiMAidan were standing there on the other Square the same time as well as their opponents, but they were attracting much less attention to their actions and demands. For example, December 14, 2013 Party of Regions (President Yanukovich Party) organized a rally in support of the president and government on the European Square in Kiev, which was attended by 60.000 participants. The official motto of the rally was “Let’s save our UkraineParty’s leaders including the Prime Minister Nikolai Azarov held speech in front of people.
21 November 2013
This day is considered as the birthday of the Maidan. A little earlier, President Viktor Yanukovych announced the suspension of agreements between the EU and